dinsdag 17 mei 2011

Mijn boom blaft

Together with Erik (HetVormlab) and SCHUNCK* education I have been working on a interactive game 'Mijn boom blaft'. Children can learn to make words or draw fantasywords. Check the website!

Workshop at I-Beta festival

First public appaerance of the famous Tekenkingz at I-bèta festival in Heerlen was a success:  
Drawing the map of Eutropolis: we all have stories to tell: where do we come from, what are the dreams we have, what is home and how do we see our neighbours. Once, long before Eutropolis, powerpointpresentations and creative industry, this region was below sealevel. And then there was Carboon, dinosaurs, Karl the Emperor, conference of Vienna and I-beta. We will try to draw a comic of Eutropolis together, in which all these stories will become one. The ‘Tekenkingz Eutropolisstrip pt.1’

dinsdag 10 mei 2011